

I’m a deep listener and energetic collaborator with a passion for designing and facilitating workshops to move clients successfully from a problem to a solution space.

In 2019, I did my Master's in Digital Experience Design at Hyper Island UK, to enrich my professional experience with hands-on academics voodoo.

More about my serious life on Linkedin.

Apart from that, I have a lot of fun with my daughter, who has been my daily dose of inspiration and craziness for two years. Furthermore, I play football (in a senior team which means men with grey hair), I love ice baths in the winter, and most recently, I discovered my unrecognized talent for theatre play - maybe an Oscar-winning skill from a past life. 

Obviously, I was inspired by the Netflix Series “Better call Saul” to name my business, but also because my family name (Ferhatbegovic) is maybe difficult to grasp ;-)